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Melanocytic Proliferations

About the Module

Melanocytic proliferations pose a diagnostic challenge due to the common occurrence of atypical features!

This series of cases looks at these conditions in detail having been compiled by the world renowned author Dr Wolter J. Mooi.

About the Author

Dr Walter Mooi

Dr Wolter J. Mooi After studying medicine and pathology in Leiden, Amsterdam and London, and a period of several years as head of the Department of Pathology at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dr Mooi became the youngest Dutch pathologist to be appointed to a chair in Pathology, at the VU University Amsterdam.

Subsequent professorship appointments followed at Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Amsterdam. Author of several scientific texbooks and 160 peer-reviewed papers, including recent ones in Nature, Cell and the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Mooi divides his time between undergraduate teaching, scientific research, and diagnostic histopathology.

An internationally recognized authority on the pathology of melanocytic tumors, Dr Mooi receives large numbers of problem cases for expert consultation, and is a much sought-after speaker at international pathology congresses and meetings.
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